WhatsApp, as the most used messaging app on the planet, has a lot of room for development. Many of the capabilities we currently take for granted have been in apps like Telegram for years One of them is the option to send messages at a certain time and date, something the Facebook app presently lacks.. As a result, we will show you how to schedule WhatsApp Web messages.
To do this, we will be using Blueticks, a free Chrome plugin that we may use for this purpose.
The plugin is very easy to use, the only need is to have a WhatsApp Web account.
The Blueticks extension will add some additional icons to the WhatsApp Web interface if you have it installed. The first, shaped like a clock, is next to the box we're typing in, along with the audio feedback button. When you click, a window with a calendar will appear, allowing you to choose the date, time and field for your message.
After completion, press the "Schedule Send" option to send the message at a later time. If you want to see the messages you've scheduled, tap the second icon of the extension next to the status icon.
You can simply schedule messages on WhatsApp Web using this method.
Link from here: Blueticks